Addiction Recovery Blog

Can I Take Prescription Drugs During Recovery?

Written by Russ Kallina | Aug 12, 2020

Some people in recovery from drug addiction may also suffer from other mental or physical medical issues. Of course, doctors might have prescribed medications to treat these other health concerns. If this describes you, you certainly should consider learning more about taking different types of prescription medication while you undergo treatment for drug addiction.

Taking Prescription Medication During Drug Recovery

You might assume that any prescription from a doctor must be fine for you to take during your recovery from addiction. According to the National Institute of Health, over two million Americans have used prescription drugs in a way that runs counter to their prescribed medical use in the last year.

The majority of people do use their medication correctly. Still, the anxiety medication you got from your psychiatrist or even the opioid painkiller your dentist prescribed might present problems for people who already struggle with addictions. In any case, prescription drug abuse has become a growing problem, and it's especially problematic for people who seek drug addiction treatment.

When your doctor prescribed these types of medications, did you discuss your struggle with addiction? If not, you might disclose your situation and ask for alternative medications that are just as effective and won't interfere with your treatment. Your physician might also suggest some alternative remedies to prescriptions that could include chiropractic care, massage, or a change in health habits.


Can You Take Your Prescriptions To a Drug Rehab Center?

Treatment centers differ; so you need to ask them for rules about the prescriptions that you can bring with you to drug rehab. Typically, these three types of medications tend to be habit forming and won't be approved:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opioids
  • Amphetamines

On the other hand, the drug rehab clinic may accept other kinds of medications, including mood stabilizers and antidepressants. In any case, you should not simply go off of your medication without discussing alternatives with your doctor first. You can get a list of approved medication from the drug rehab center and then discuss your own prohibited medications with the physician who prescribed them or a doctor at the rehab center.

Finding Alternative Prescription Medications for Drug Addiction Treatment

If you rely upon prescriptions for a mental or physical medical issue, you should learn if any of these medications could impact your recovery. Since your doctor may need to wean you off of certain drugs, it's a good idea to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation early in the process. Your physician will surely applaud your healthy decision to seek drug addiction treatment and be happy to work with you to achieve your goals.

If you're ready to start the treatment process, contact us today and we will help set you on the right path for you.