Addiction Recovery Blog

The Power of Mantras and Positive Affirmations in Recovery

Written by Russ Kallina | Mar 01, 2018

One of the most beneficial ways to stay on the right track and guard against a potential relapse in your recovery is to engage in the power of the positive. Beyond surrounding yourself with positive people and building positive networks, positive affirmations and mantras are incredibly powerful tools to do this.

What is a Mantra?

A mantra is a word, statement, slogan or sound that is repeated frequently to aid in concentration while meditating. It’s believed that mantras can have an effect on a person’s will or emotional state of being. In short, a mantra is a tool you can use to eliminate negativity and fill your mind with only the positive intentions. Mantras are very similar to positive affirmations in many ways and the terms are often used interchangeably.

Unlike mantras, positive affirmations can be used at any time and tend to be complete sentences rather single words like “love” or “peace”. They are positive and specific self-talk statements that help you to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. Often, they can help you visualize and believe in what you are trying to affirm in yourself. When you repeat the word, statement, slogan or sound, you are affirming it to yourself and programming your mind into believing the stated concept.

Positivity can have a profound impact on your mental health. Engaging in the power of positive thinking and healthy self-talk defeats the negative self-talk can often occur during recovery. Affirmations and mantras allow you to create new beliefs and counteract old, limiting, or negative beliefs that will focus your mind in the past or the negative.

Positive affirmations and mantras play a significant role in developing mental strength, calming nerves, boosting confidence and self-esteem. Positive self-affirmations have been scientifically proven to reduce the stress of external threats and improve performance. It’s a powerful tool to help you change your mood, state of mind, and manifest the change you desire in your life.

How to Make Positive Affirmations & Mantras Effective

  1. Create a list with all your negative qualities and identify the unconscious thought patterns supporting the pessimism.
  2. Identify areas of improvement and write down several behaviors that you would like to work on. For example, improving relationships with family and friends
  3. Define and set a SMART Goal.
  4. Write a positive affirmation for all the noted negative qualities and create powerful affirmations or mantras. For example, instead of saying, "I'm not worthy." say, "I'm remarkable and cherished, and worthy of the love shown to me."
  5. Speak the affirmation out loud for about five minutes three times a day - morning, mid-day and evening and develop a daily routine.
  6. Say them with feeling and emotion to facilitate the change process.
  7. Get support and ask a friend or coach to repeat your affirmation to you or use your reflection in the mirror and affirm to yourself.
  8. Repeat, believe and repeat.

The power of positive statements lies in their repetition. Repeat your affirmations or mantras frequently. It might be hard to believe every affirmation you make, but just keep repeating them. Ultimately, you’ll start believing in them and yourself.

Fundamentals of Positive Affirmations

  1. Affirm in the Present: Always use the present tense (such as “I am” or “I have”) as this allows you to connect your present to your affirmations. Say “I am a smart and successful person” instead of “I will be a smart and successful person”.
  2. Include positive words only: don’t use words like “don’t,” “can’t” or “won’t,”
  3. Declare them as statements of fact and truth:  exclude words like “might” and “could” and replace them with “am” and “do.” Believe in your affirmations and act according.

Remember to be kind to yourself and avoid putting unnecessary on yourself. Don’t tell yourself you have to be perfect, rather affirm that you will be better, and you will continue to do your best, for example “I am becoming stronger in so many ways each day”.

Every recovery journey is different, and different methods work for different people. Many people see positive results when they approach their recovery as a multi-faceted journey and seek out help in addition to looking for positive recovery methods. At Aquila we’re here to help. If you’re ready to take positive steps towards your recovery with us get in touch today.