Addiction Recovery Blog

Holiday Mocktail Recipes

Written by The Mindful Mocktail | Nov 17, 2022

If you're looking for a fancy non-alcoholic drink to enjoy this holiday season, we have you covered! These mocktail recipes are easy to make, healthy, and taste delicious.

What is a Mocktail?

A mocktail is a non-alcoholic drink made to mimic the taste and feel of a cocktail. They are typically made by combining juice and soda or sparkling water, with various flavorings (such as fruit, vegetables, herbs, and spices). 

You may also hear them be called “zero proof drinks” or “virgin drinks.”

Benefits of Mocktails

Drinking alcohol-free mocktails can be a great way to enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverages without any of the harmful consequences. Whether you are newly sober or are wanting to take a break from alcohol, mocktails can be a great alternative that can fulfill your alcohol cravings. 

1. Delicious Alternative - Mocktails are designed to look and taste just as good without the alcohol. There are also endless varieties of mocktails that you can make. If you know the recipe for a cocktail and can get the garnishes right, you will barely even notice the lack of alcohol. 

2. Safe for Everyone - Mocktails are something that everyone can enjoy - including children, pregnant women, and those who abstain from alcohol. They allow everyone to feel included by having a special drink. 

3. No hangovers - You can enjoy a fun night, drinking multiple mocktails, without worrying about waking up with a hangover the next day. This will lead to you feeling well-rested and more productive the following day. 

4. Health-conscious - Mocktails contain none of the health risks that are associated with alcohol. Unlike alcohol, which is a diuretic, mocktails can keep you hydrated. It is also a good option for those who are looking to lose weight. 

5. Risk-free - You don’t have to worry about making poor decisions as a result of your drinking. Mocktails also don’t pose any risk to your health and wellbeing like alcohol does. 

6. You’ll be more present - Alcohol lowers your ability to think clearly and be present. With mocktails, you can be more present with your loved ones, and make meaningful memories that you will take with you for years to come. 

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays Without Alcohol

Alcohol is often used in times of celebration, and while alcohol may make you feel like you’re having a good time, the reality is that alcohol can actually lead to a low mood and mental health issues.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate the holidays in recovery. By following a few of these tips, you may realize that the holidays can be just as fun without the alcohol. 

1. Host a sober party - Invite people who you trust to follow the one party rule: no alcohol. Sober curiosity is becoming more popular, that many people won't even bat an eye at this. This will allow you to still feel very involved in all of the holiday festivities, while remaining sober. 


2. Focus on the food - A big part of the holidays is the food. Teach yourself how to make a new dish or dessert. Have a party where everyone brings an appetizer or dessert to share. You could also make a large batch of cookies and invite people to help you decorate them. 

3. Start new traditions - Start doing things that make you excited about the holidays. This may be going to pick out a Christmas tree, watching Christmas movies, making holiday cards, volunteering, or make a special meal or dessert.

4. Play games -
There are plenty of fun party games that get everyone involved, that will make you forget all about the absence of alcohol. Interactive games such as Charades or Two Truths and a Lie are perfect for parties. 


5. Make mocktails - Get a few supplies and make some tasty mocktails. To make it fancier, be sure to add in the garnishes as well. 


Easy and Healthy Mocktail Recipes for the Holidays

Let's look at a few easy and healthy mocktail recipes (courtesy of The Mindful Mocktail) that you and your friends can enjoy this holiday season. 

1. Pomegranate Mulled "Wine"

There's nothing cozier than wrapping your hands around a big steaming mug of beautifully spiced mulled "wine." This easy non-alcohol beverage can be made in a slow cooker or a saucepan with mulling spices to create the perfect winter mocktail. 


Yield: 4 mugs

2 Cups Pomegranate Juice or Cranberry Juice
2 Cups Water
8 Cloves
6 Blackberries (optional)
1 Cinnamon Stick
3 Star Anise
1 Sliced Orange


1. Add all ingredients to a large saucepan and bring to a very low boil on medium-high heat.

2. Turn heat to very low and steam/simmer for 20 minutes.

3. Strain, or remove orange slices and spices.

4. Pour into mug and add garnish.

2. Strawberry Cucumber Cooler

This combination of sweet strawberry and fresh cucumber is delicious and healthy, and so easy to make.
(If you’re not much of a sweet tooth, you can leave the sweetener out).


Yield: 1 glass

3 diced strawberries
1 inch grated cucumber
1tsp sweetener (optional)
Juice of half a lime
1 cup sparkling water


1. Muddle strawberries, cucumber, sweetener and lime in a tall glass.

2. Add ice and sparkling water then stir.

3. Garnish and serve.

3. Ginger Nojito

This refreshing non-alcoholic ginger ale mocktail contains fresh ginger which benefits both your body and brain.


Yield: 1 glass

1 inch grated ginger (or to taste)
1 inch grated cucumber
Juice of half a lime
6 mint leaves
1 tsp sweetener (optioonal)
Ginger beer
Sparkling water


1. Grate ginger into a bowl

2. Add cucumber and lime to the bowl and muddle together.

3. Clap mint leaves together to release scent, add to ginger mixture and give it a gentle press.

4. Strain mixture into a glass and add ice.

5. Top with half ginger beer, half sparkling water.

6. Garnish and serve.


Use a little less ginger if you don’t like it as strong.
You can also use all ginger beer or all sparkling water if you only have one or the other.

For more recipes and alcohol-free inspiration like this, visit The Mindful Mocktail, or follow Nat on Instagram.

Get Support for Sobriety During the Holidays

If you or a loved one are in need of support this holiday season, reach out to our counselors at Aquila Recovery. We can help guide you through this season, and provide practical tips for maintaining sobriety during this time. 

For additional ideas on how to survive the holidays while sober, download our Sober for the Holidays eBook.