Addiction Recovery Blog

Creativity, Mindfulness and Recovery

Written by Russ Kallina | Mar 03, 2017

Living a full life in recovery from addiction can have many moving parts but the ability to be present in our moments, and pay attention to ourselves, are key components. Taking time in our day to pause, relax and reevaluate assists in building the muscles of a successful recovery. 

In Aquila Recovery's Artful 12 Steps groups, techniques for healing from addiction are coupled with actions to enjoy recovery. Utilizing various art mediums allow our minds to relax, focus, and be attuned to the moments at hand. 

Psychology Today explains mindfulness as "actively paying attention to the present moment, taking stock of what you're thinking and feeling, and offering no criticism or judgement." The process of working vibrantly colored clay or creating a collage can offer one the opportunity to go deep, in a playful way, into the reality of our struggles and our hopes for the future. The creative process used in a mindful way can facilitate insight, healing and increase awareness.

Also, the creations can become a touchstone for further communications with loved ones about the experiences, struggles and hopes for life in recovery and thus strengthen the family system.

Creativity enhances our lives on so many levels. Approached in a mindful posture, with a recovery theme on which to meditate, creativity can bring about a connection with ourselves, others and our Higher Powers perhaps in a way hitherto unknown to us.  

Contact us to learn more about the Artful 12 Steps groups and our programs.