Addiction Recovery Blog

Setting and Measuring your SMART Goals 

Written by Russ Kallina | Mar 26, 2018

We know that you're focused on your recovery. Staying focused, however, can be a struggle if you're not setting the right goals for yourself. Setting SMART Goals for Addiction Recovery is a challenge facing a lot of people, but it's an easy one to solve.  

Setting SMART goals help you prioritize all areas of your life. Once you have your eye on the prize it will be easier for other changes in your life to happen. This in turn helps you achieve your aspirations, augment your motivation for growth and feel enhanced confidence and self worth. The key is to set goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound.

For SMART goals to be effective, they have to be backed by some form of evaluation. Download our free SMART Goals working sheets here.