Addiction Recovery Blog

Don’t Let Blue Monday Get You Down!

Written by Russ Kallina | Jan 16, 2017

Today, the third Monday in January, has been dubbed “Blue Monday” by researchers at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, labeling it as the most depressing day of the year. The reasoning is that the holiday rush is over, credit card bills are starting to pour in, and the dreary weather can start to weigh on you. But don’t buy into the hype that Blue Monday, Mondays in general, or any other day for that matter, can have that much of an impact on your life and wellbeing.

With our busy lives, stressful work schedules and overwhelming commitments to attend to, any day of the week can trigger feelings of anxiety or dread. If you are starting to hate Sunday evenings because you’re already dreading going into work tomorrow, it’s a clear sign that you’re stressed at work. If you’re already dreading going into work, and then have a hard day, you’re likely looking to not only escape the work day but also to let go of all the stress that you’ve built up.

When you’ve had a rough day, it can be easy to think about going home and unwinding with a few drinks. For some, this can become a nightly routine which can quickly become a more serious problem. Instead of drinking, focus on other ways to improve your mood, whether it’s going for a jog, getting a new hobby, or reconnecting with a friend or family member that you haven’t seen in a while. These alternative options will improve your mood and wellbeing long term.

Regardless of the date, don’t let the blues get you down.