Addiction Recovery Blog

Alcohol Isn't an Antidepressant

Written by Russ Kallina | Sep 02, 2015

"Alcohol will cure my depression" - it’s an all-too-common misconception…

Maybe after having a tough day at work someone decides to go out for a beer or cocktail just to unwind a little. Being out at a bar or restaurant gives the feeling of belonging and comfort.  After an hour or two, the work issues have faded away and everything feels so much better when you get home.

A few days go by, maybe a couple of weeks, and if the work situation hasn’t gotten any better and the regular hour or two at the bar has started to creep up to two or three. And when you go home you’re more worn out and figure you’ll crack open a cold one just to help you get some rest.

A few months go by, and instead of going to the noisy bar after work, you’ve gone straight home, opened a bottle from the fresh six-pack in the fridge and turned on the TV just to be by yourself and relax.

While it’s true that alcohol in small doses can distract any of us from the day-to-day bothers, chemically it acts as a depressant in the brain, and this habit can easily spiral out of control and lead to a pretty dark place if it goes unchecked. 

Feelings of isolation may increase and it seems that the only way to alleviate that feeling is more alcohol. And when that happens, other dominoes begin to fall. The feeling of loneliness can quickly branch off into depression, bi-polar symptoms and even personality disorders.

They may not realize what has happened because they’ve been disconnected from their friends and colleagues.

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